New School Year, New Ambassador Program!

Written by Kirsten Glass

Makerspace has been bustling with more and more users since opening in February of 2022. This fall to support all these users, the TRU Makerspace team expanded to include five new Makerspace Student Ambassadors. It’s been great getting to know them over the past few months, and since starting they have become amazing ambassadors and contributors!

About The Makerspace Ambassador Program

The idea for Makerspace Ambassadors came from a need to ensure that all users have support and guidance as they learn to navigate Makerspace on their own. Ambassadors are there to offer orientations, and tours, as well as help users find the resources they need. Meaning they can help you with anything from troubleshooting after you’ve tried to figure out the button maker, to showing you where to find resources while you are learning how to 3D print. Since Makerspace is a “learn by doing” environment the Ambassadors are there to make your learning journey just a little bit smoother.

Meet the Ambassadors

Geordie Stenner

BCompSc Year 1
(He/ Him)

A Kamloops local, Geordie has been a staple at Makerspace long before he applied to take part in the Makerspace Ambassador program. Busy and now in his second semester of his computer science degree, he brings his kind personality and willingness to help everywhere. From classes to makerspace, to working on his projects, or working at the Kochi Bao food truck on Tuesdays, you’ll see Geordie all over campus.

His making journey started early with supportive parents who are in the world of making themselves. With the accessibility that Makerspace offers, this craving to make has only increased for Geordie. Something he’s exploring right now is 3D modeling and printing. However, that doesn’t mean you won’t see him using one of the other technologies, he says it’s hard for him to pick even one technology as a favourite in Makerspace when there is so much you have the chance to make.

Ellis Dakota Knife Rondquist

BSW, Year Three
(They/ Them)

Ellis was someone who already had a large passion for making, starting when they were a young person making stuffed animals out of socks, and writing spooky ghost stories about them. Even now they have a dedicated, and lovingly chaotic, crafting space at home where they work on new and fun things to express themselves. When Makerspace opened it became a new outlet for their creativity and became a place where they felt comfortable expanding their creativity.

Since it was already a creative hub in their life, transitioning into being a Makerspace ambassador has allowed Ellis more opportunities to make new things and create connections. One thing they love is that people can come in and just start to learn by doing. Now Ellis is happy they get to be the one helping create the vibe that allowed them to feel comfortable being in the space too. They’re always more than happy when they can help people by directing to resources or guiding them through the space.

Deeparsh Singh

(He/ Him)

Deeparsh started making by getting into producing YouTube videos and designing thumbnails while still living at home in India. A self-proclaimed technophile, the draw of technology is the other big influence in his life. Now that he’s a part of the TRU community and enrolled in the Bachelor of Computing Science program, he’s able to be around his passions and welcoming learning spaces every day. Something Deeparsh doesn’t take for granted and something that was a motive when applying to be an ambassador.

Deeparsh is a kind person who loves to connect with people, and he mentioned that one of his favourite parts about TRU’s Makerspace is the environment. Adding that to him “It always feels like a nice place to be, the welcoming environment creates a great place for making and allows for making mistakes with hands-on learning”. Now channeling some of his making at Makerspace, Deeparsh is broadening his creative horizons while currently focusing on the Cricut and 3D printing.  

Syreena Bhattacharya

BSc CMMB Year 4
(They/ She)

Born and raised in Montreal, being creative and helping people has always come as second nature to Syreena. Surrounded by the art and beauty of the city and supportive people making and creating were outlets that allowed her to connect and help people. Since transplanting to TRU, she’s always managed to find a way to stay creative, Makerspace opening of course helped with that! When it comes to how she got into making at Makerspace she says, “I just gave the Cricut a whirl and I haven’t been the same since.”.

Currently, Syreena is enjoying their new role at Makerspace. They are a caring person who brings acceptance, understanding and support wherever they go. Combined with their creative streak, and openness to learning Makerspace is a natural fit for them. Excited to learn how to use the embroidery machine, and learn how best to help Makerspace users, Syreena is always ready and willing to learn, create and support others in creating and learning.

Tarun Agarwal

MBA Year 2
(He/ Him)

Tarun was born and raised in the city of Pune in western India. A creativity bug drew him into making at an early age, pushing him to explore new things and ideas. His first-ever project at school was even making a model of a solar cooker. School allowed for creativity in classes, making sock puppets, decorations, and other projects, complimenting the arts and crafts he was making at home. Unable to shake this bug, most recently Makerspace has been a place for Tarun to explore his creativity more.

In previous semesters Tarun was drawn to Makerspace and started to learn new things and explored new technologies. So, naturally when an opportunity came up to be a part of the team he applied. A big motivator is the possibility of learning more and helping others create and put their ideas into action. Like many others in Makerspace Tarun says that it’s pretty hard to pick one single part of Makerspace as a favourite, but right now when he’s not on duty, or doing training, you’ll probably find him making buttons and using the Cricut.

While the Makerspace Ambassador program is new, the hope is that it is a long-term and ongoing way to lift up and incorporate student voices and connections in TRU Makerspace while supporting making for everyone. Each ambassador brings their own unique set of skills and knowledge, coming together they are all united by having a love for making, learning, and supporting others.

So, next time you stop by Makerspace these are the amazing people that will help you get rolling, stop by, and say “Hi!” any time 10 am – 4 pm, Monday to Friday.

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