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Developing and Assessing a Culture of Change at the TRU Library Makerspace

On Wednesday, our team presented at the 2024 WILU (Workshop for Instruction in Library Use) conference in Vancouver, sharing our efforts to develop, assess, and maintain a culture of change at the TRU Library Makerspace. Presenters included myself, Amy McLay Paterson (Assessment Librarian), and Valentine Bilton (Makerspace Library Technician), with significant contributions from Makerspace Technicians Sarah Porter, Olivia McDougall, and Dayun Han. Our presentation covered key aspects such as fostering flexibility, creating a sense of belonging, and encouraging continuous community and staff involvement. We also discussed alignment with our core pedagogies and shared practical examples and assessment methods. Here are the slides from our presentation.

If you want to see the speakers notes, which is where all the fun details are, they are included in this embedded PDF:


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